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Input Peripherals



Felix is plug-compatible with SunWindows and Sun NeWS, and all upgrades,through the standard Sun keyboard mouse port. Features include thefollowing:hand motion of user tells the microprocessor how to behave in relation tospeed and precision.corner.x 6" x 2" high.natural movement is less fatiguing and more accurate than typical "mouse"use.get dirty. Uses a proprietary system of sliding gates and light beamsthat has been tested for 20 million cycles.stamp. Active motion area is 1.1" x 1.1".

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

520 W Cedar St
Rawlins, WY 82301
Phone: (307) 328-1342
        (800) 726-6153
Fax: (307) 745-3627